Chamaeleo chamaeleo
Non endemic
Red List Category:
Assessor(s):Dimaki, M.
Photo: Μ. Dimaki
Mediterranean Chameleon
Chamaeleo chamaeleon in Greece is restricted in Samos island. It is listed as Endangered as it has a restricted Area of Occupancy (124 km2) and Extent of Occurrence (649 km2), it occurs in 5 locations and there is an inferred decline on the extent and quality of its habitat (because of recurring fires) and an inferred decline on number of mature individuals.
It is threatened by loss of habitat (through fires, agricultural intensification and development of tourist facilities), illegal collection of animals and road mortality. Also from predation by snakes, rats, jays, falcons, owls, weasels, cats, dogs, wild boars and feral pigs.